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  • The College of Language and Communication in Alexandria successfully ended its second scientific conference, "LANACOM"

The College of Language and Communication in Alexandria successfully ended its second scientific conference, "LANACOM"

The College of Language and Communication in Alexandria successfully ended its second scientific conference, "LANACOM," themed "Innovation and Digitization in Language, Culture, and Communication" on December 3-4. Held under the auspices of Ahmed Abo Al Gheit, the Secretary-General of the Arab League, and Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar, President of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport, along with Dr. Abeer Refki, the Dean of the College.

Distinguished figures in Egyptian media attended, including Dr. Sami Abdel Aziz, Dr. Sami Al Sherif, Dr. Sami Tayee, Dr. Hassan Emad, Dr. Azza Hekal, Dr. Naila Emara, Dr. Heba Shahin, Dr. Andrea Mayer, and Dr. Mohamed Al Nashar. The conference yielded valuable recommendations, emphasizing the incorporation of artificial intelligence in education and research to meet evolving job market needs. It also highlighted the fusion of journalism with AI for innovative content, such as news presented through virtual or augmented reality.

Additional recommendations underscored the nexus between digital media and human rights, the significance of studying current social events and promoting cultural diversity through media channels. There was a call to encourage students to leverage modern technology for efficiency and innovation, aligning with the demands of the tech-centric job market. Recommendations also stressed the use of modern media to uphold and safeguard the Egyptian identity.

The conference concluded with the presentation of these recommendations. The Dean of the College expressed gratitude, honoring all conference contributors and participants with outstanding research.