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  • The beginning of the activities of the padal League.

The beginning of the activities of the padal League.

The beginning of the activities of the Padel League for the students of the Academy, El Alamein Branch, in the presence of Dr. Muhammad Nabil Al-Shayeb, Dean of Student Affairs, El Alamein Branch. The activities are held for the students of the Academy

The padal League was founded in 2010 by a group of young activists who were tired of the corruption and inefficiency of the existing political parties in their country. They believed that a new approach was needed to bring about real change and improve the lives of ordinary citizens. The league quickly gained popularity among disillusioned voters who were looking for a fresh alternative to the traditional parties.

The activities of the Badal League began with grassroots organizing and community outreach. Volunteers went door to door, holding town hall meetings, and organizing rallies to spread their message of transparency, accountability, and social justice. They focused on issues such as education, healthcare, and economic development, promising to prioritize the needs of the people over the interests of the political elite. As their support grew, the Badal League started fielding candidates in local elections, hoping to build a strong base of support that would eventually allow them to challenge the established parties on a national level.