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  • Results of student union elections in the faculties of the Al-Alamein branch

Results of student union elections in the faculties of the Al-Alamein branch

Dr. Muhammad Nabil Al-Shayeb, Dean of Student Affairs in the Al-Alamein Branch, announced the results of the elections of the student unions in the colleges on Sunday, 2023/12/24, as:

Union of the Faculty of  Medicine

Mid tribe won 55.36% over Medical Pioneer 44.64%.

Union of the Faculty of Dentistry

The Leaders won a 100% vote.

Union of the faculty of Pharmacy 

Absolute won a 100% vote.

Union of the faculty of Engineering and Technology 

Alpha won 65.49% over the Apex with 34.51%.

Union of the faculty of Artificial Intelligence

The Jakes won 54.9% of the Heimanwood vote, 45.1%.