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ITLI Listicle Articles | 5 Fundamental ways to Building Smart and Sustainable Ports

Written By: Hani Fayez El Henawy

- AR Senior at Hutchison Ports PPC, Egypt

- Masters in International Transport, ITLI, AASTMT

Editor: Dr. Mahmoud Mansi

1. Reducing emissions from the shipping sector:

The shipping sector also represents about 3 percent of total CO2 emissions—an amount that, if unchecked, could rise by as much as half by 2050. Implementation of IMO Instruments and enhancing the operational efficiency of current ships of meeting GHG reduction objectives by:

Vessel Fuel Optimization System -Route Optimization System

Vessel Performance Monitoring -Predictive Maintenance System

2. The role of the port authorities:

Port authorities should use high performance of information and communication technologies as IPCSA, (Port Community System Association) and Utilize big data to improve efficiency. Build smart platform for wharfs, as automated mooring system, Mooring Load Monitoring. Put on the sustainable port development, raising awareness of resolving port sustainability issues (such as air quality, land use planning, modalities and connectivity).

3. The role of Terminals operators:

Port operators must look for smarter ways to operate and manage terminal operations by detect energy-efficiency measures and transformation processes for all equipment to be electric instead of fossil-fuel which its actually started last few years by many of terminal operators all over the world to achieve goal 7 at UN SDGs, also implement recent policies put in place by the IMO include a focus on: Human health & High quality fuels.

4. Implement the 17 UN SDGs:

In 2015, 193 countries adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides a global blueprint for dignity, peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and in the future. A few years into the Agenda, we see how civil society, private sector, and governments are translating this shared vision into national development plans and strategies.

5. Safety and Security:

Smart Port technologies, with the use of Artificial Intelligence, enable heavy ort machinery to be automated. This means that employees who once used to work manually with dangerous machinery instead control it from large towers. This also allows the employees to be more efficient with other tasks, and human-related disruptions are less likely to be an issue.

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