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ITLI Listicle Articles | 5 Tips to Use Antibiotics Wisely and Stay Healthy

Written By: Dr. Aalaa Elmallah
Former Branch Manager at Khalil Pharmacies 
Masters Student of Hospital Logistics Management at ITLI AASTMT

Editor: Dr. Mahmoud Mansi

Antibiotics are medicines that can kill bacteria and treat infections. But sometimes, bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics and make infections harder to treat. This is called antibiotic resistance and it is a big problem for our health. Antibiotic resistance can happen when we use antibiotics too much or in the wrong way. To prevent this, we need to use antibiotics wisely and only when we really need them.

Here are five simple tips to help you do that:

1- Don’t ask for antibiotics when you have a cold, flu, or sore throat.

These are caused by viruses, not bacteria, and antibiotics won’t work on them. They will only make you feel worse and increase the risk of antibiotic resistance. Instead, rest, drink fluids, and use over-the-counter medicines to relieve your symptoms.

2- Don’t stop taking antibiotics before you finish the course.

Even if you feel better, you need to take all the antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor. This will make sure that all the bacteria are killed and prevent them from becoming resistant. Stopping antibiotics too soon can make your infection come back or spread to other parts of your body.

3- Don’t share antibiotics with others or use leftover antibiotics.

Antibiotics are not one-size-fits-all. They are prescribed for specific infections and specific people. Taking antibiotics that are not meant for you can be harmful and ineffective. It can also cause side effects, allergies, or interactions with other medicines. Always follow your doctor’s advice and never share or use leftover antibiotics.

4- Don’t save antibiotics for later or throw them away.

If you have any unused or expired antibiotics, don’t keep them for future use or throw them in the trash or toilet. This can cause harm to the environment and contribute to antibiotic resistance. Instead, return them to your pharmacy or doctor for safe disposal.

5- Don’t forget to practice good hygiene and prevention.

The best way to avoid infections and the need for antibiotics is to stay healthy and prevent germs from spreading. You can do this by washing your hands often with soap and water, covering your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, getting vaccinated, eating well, exercising, and avoiding contact with sick people.

By following these five simple tips, you can use antibiotics wisely and stay healthy. You can also help protect yourself and others from antibiotic resistance and keep these lifesaving medicines working for us and future generations.

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