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  • Freight Forwarding Businesses in Egypt by DHL

Freight Forwarding Businesses in Egypt by DHL

Mr. Khaled Sherine Sabry, Director of Shipping and Trade Lines Development for North Africa DHL, was hosted by the College of International Transport and Logistics in El Alamein on Sunday, December 19, 2021.
Mr. Khaled Sherine Sabry reviewed the history of DHL and its activities at the regional and global levels in providing its logistics business. DHL is one of the global companies operating in more than 220 countries and specialized in international freight. It was founded in 1969 and has many cargo transportation systems. It has a fleet of more than 250 modern and transport-ready aircrafts and vehicles on a global scale. DHL is able to provide logistics services and supply chain solutions for various businesses with great efficiency to all parts of the world.
He reviewed the important role of logistics in the digital transformation of business and sustainability that seeks to reduce carbon emissions. In addition to reviewing the #salodoo platform, which serves land transport freight operations in various countries of the world.
The session ended with a general discussion of the importance of the labor market for college students and its distinct, unique and non-traditional specializations. He also reviewed training opportunities during the summer vacation for students of the College of International Transport and Logistics in El Alamein.