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  • College of Language and Communication in Alexandria hosted “Al-Saraiti”

College of Language and Communication in Alexandria hosted “Al-Saraiti”

Under the patronage of Dr Abeer Refky, Dean of College of Language and Communication in Alexandria and Dr Bassant Attia, Head of Media department, and in the context of linking theoretical courses with practical application, the college hosted last Sunday the superstar “Sameh Al-Saraiti” in a seminar entitled “Media & Society Culture”.

During the seminar, “Al-Saraiti” expressed his happiness to visit the academy & hold this seminar. He continued talking about media role in general and specifically series and movies in influencing the Egyptian society, its customs and traditions.

He insisted on the important role that the "film and musical" syndicates play in enhancing the content presented to the Egyptian society. Moreover, he talked about his work and how he prepares for it, such as preparing for his role in "Al-Akhtyar 2" series. Furthermore, he expressed his gratitude to work with superstars like "Omar Al-Sharif, Farid Shawqi, Yahya Al-Fakhrani, Nour Al-Sharif, Karima Mokhtar, Youssef Shaaban, Athar Al-Hakim, and others”.

At the end, the dean of the college thanked “Al-Saraiti” and handed him the shield of the Arab Academy, in the presence of the College’s Vice Deans, heads of the departments, a number of faculty members and all term 3 students.