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  • The Department of Cultural and Social Activity organized the technical workshop for students of the College of Pharmacy on Wednesday and Tuesday 25, 26/10/2022...

The Department of Cultural and Social Activity organized the technical workshop for students of the College of Pharmacy on Wednesday and Tuesday 25, 26/10/2022...

The fine arts activity at the academy continues its course in implementing various artistic workshops to teach our students in all faculties of arts of all kinds, including the string art workshop, which was organized by the Department of Cultural and Social Activity, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays 25/10/2022 for students of the College of Pharmacy, under the directives of His Excellency Professor Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar Ismail Farag, President of the Academy and Professor Dr. Muhammad Mahmoud Abu Al-Azm, Dean of Student Affairs, which provides all support to the college students in their various activities. A large number of college students participated and enjoyed learning the art of the string. Thanks and encouragement to the college students for their active participation with a promise From the Department of Cultural Activity and the Deanship of Student Affairs to provide more artistic workshops and cultural and social activities over the coming weeks