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  • Prof. Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghafar Meets The Winning Students of Saint Gobain Architecture Student Contest

Prof. Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghafar Meets The Winning Students of Saint Gobain Architecture Student Contest

H.E. Prof. Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghafar - AASTMT President-, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Yasser Galal, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo Branch met a team of students of the Architectual Engineering and Environmental Design department at College of Engineering Heliopolis branch and congratulated them for their achievements and participation in Saint-Gobain’s Global Architecture contest.

The Architecture Student Contest is an international competition based on Saint-Gobain’s vision of sustainable buildings . It was first organized in 2004 by Saint-Gobain Isover in Serbia, and became an international event in 2005. Today, it attracts more than 1,300 students in 30 countries.The competition is a great chance for architecture students to gain professional experience while discovering the importance of sustainability in modern construction. 


A team consisting of AASTMT students has won the first place award at the level of the  Arab Republic of Egypt. The team consisted of students: Rana Al-Khadewi, Muhammad Taha, and Nour Al-Jundi, the team won a financial prize of 75 thousand pounds in addition to travel costs to represent Egypt in the World Olympic Games held in Helsinki this summer.

Additionally, a second team consisting of AASTMT students, Jannah Al-Sayyid Al-Muslim Montaser and Nada Amr, won third place, and a financial prize of 30 thousand pounds.The participation section in the competition was supervised by Dr. Tariq Kamel and Dr. Yemeni Al-Ghazi, lecturers in the Department of Electrical and Environmental Engineering (Cairo Branch).

Professor Dr. Sherif El-Feki, Professor of Architecture and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering for Educational Affairs (Cairo Branch), also participated in the jury, along with an elite group of professional and academic experts in the field, as well as a number of French and Egyptian leaders in the company organizing the competition.