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  • A student lounge at the academy dormitories over the weekend.

A student lounge at the academy dormitories over the weekend.


The student lounge at the academy dormitories over the weekend was buzzing with activity. Students lounged on comfortable couches, chatting and laughing with each other. Some were engrossed in their textbooks, studying for upcoming exams, while others played games or watched movies on the large screen TV. The smell of popcorn and pizza filled the air as students enjoyed a well-deserved break from their studies.

As the evening wore on, more students trickled into the lounge, joining in the lively atmosphere. Some brought out guitars and started impromptu jam sessions, filling the space with music and laughter. Others gathered around a table to play board games, competing fiercely and having a great time. It was a welcoming and vibrant space where students could relax and unwind, forming friendships and creating memories that would last a lifetime. The student lounge was truly the heart of the dormitories, a place where students could come together and bond over shared experiences and interests.