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  • A visit from UCLAN University in the United Kingdom

A visit from UCLAN University in the United Kingdom

A visit from UCLAN University in the United Kingdom

Last week, our school had the privilege of hosting a visit from representatives of UCLAN University in the United Kingdom. The university officials came to our campus to speak to our students about the various programs and opportunities available at their institution. They gave presentations on the different fields of study offered at UCLAN, as well as the research opportunities and extracurricular activities available to students. It was a great opportunity for our students to learn more about studying abroad and to consider the possibility of furthering their education at a prestigious university like UCLAN.

The visit from UCLAN University was very well-received by our students, who were eager to ask questions and learn more about the application process and requirements for studying at the university. Many students expressed interest in the programs offered at UCLAN and were excited about the possibility of studying in the United Kingdom. The university representatives were impressed by the enthusiasm and curiosity of our students and encouraged them to reach out if they had any further questions or needed assistance with their applications. Overall, it was a successful visit that opened up new possibilities for our students and sparked a sense of excitement about the opportunities available to them in higher education.