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  • Visit by a delegation of the Italian Ports Authority to the Alamein branch

Visit by a delegation of the Italian Ports Authority to the Alamein branch


of the Egyptian Ports Authority has been scheduled for next week. The purpose of the visit is to discuss potential collaboration and partnerships between the two organizations. The Italian delegation is keen to explore opportunities for joint projects and initiatives that can benefit both parties and enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of port operations in the region. The Alamein branch of the Egyptian Ports Authority is looking forward to hosting the delegation and showcasing their facilities and capabilities.

Second paragraph: The visit is expected to provide a valuable opportunity for knowledge exchange and sharing of best practices between the two ports authorities. The Italian Ports Authority is known for its advanced technology and innovative approaches to port management, while the Alamein branch of the Egyptian Ports Authority has a wealth of experience in handling a diverse range of cargo and vessels. By working together, both organizations can learn from each other and improve their operations to better serve their customers and stakeholders. The visit is also seen as a step towards strengthening the ties between Italy and Egypt in the maritime sector and fostering greater cooperation between the two countries.