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  • Delegations from the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Iraq

Delegations from the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Iraq


recently visited several universities in the United States to explore potential collaborations and partnerships. The delegation expressed a strong interest in enhancing the quality of higher education in Iraq by learning from the best practices and experiences of American universities. They also discussed opportunities for faculty exchanges, joint research projects, and student exchange programs. The visit was seen as a positive step towards strengthening the educational ties between the two countries and fostering a greater exchange of knowledge and ideas.

During their visit, the delegation met with university administrators, faculty members, and students to discuss potential areas of collaboration. They were particularly interested in exploring partnerships in fields such as engineering, technology, and business administration. The delegation also took the opportunity to learn more about the American higher education system and its emphasis on research and innovation. Overall, the visit was seen as a valuable opportunity for both sides to exchange ideas, build relationships, and pave the way for future collaborations that could benefit students and universities in both countries.