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  • The workshop AI for Students

The workshop AI for Students

Dear GSB Students,

I hope this message finds you well. As part of our continuous efforts to enhance learning methods using AI, we are delighted to inform you that a workshop will be organized for a duration of three days. This workshop aims to provide valuable insights and practical strategies to integrate AI into your teaching practices effectively.

   Date     Day       Time                              Topic
29 Feb            Thursday  6PM to 8PM         MS Teams & Moodle
07 Mar           Thursday  6PM to 8PM         Introduction to AI & LLMs
14 Mar           Thursday  6PM to 8PM         Prompts Engineering in depth 

The attendance will be online through the MS Teams program, and the login link will be shared on the Telegram group.

The workshop will cover various topics, including:
1. GSB Digital Transformation Introduction: Gain an understanding of the digital transformation happening at GSB and how it impacts teaching and learning.
2. Microsoft Teams: Explore the features and functionalities of MS Teams, specifically designed for delivering online courses, and learn how to effectively utilize this platform to engage and interact with your students.
3. GSB Moodle: Learn how to navigate and utilize the GSB Moodle platform to create engaging and interactive online learning environments.
4. AI Introduction: Get introduced to the fundamentals of AI, its applications in education, and how it can revolutionize teaching and learning experiences.
5. Large Language Models: offer immense potential in education, enhancing teaching methodologies and improving the learning experience for students. By leveraging AI technologies, LLMs can streamline content creation, personalize learning pathways, automate assessment processes, and provide virtual student support. However, ethical considerations and maintaining a balance between AI automation and human interaction are crucial for creating a meaningful and inclusive learning environment.
6. Prompts Engineering: Learn advanced techniques in prompts engineering to enhance learning outcomes and tailor AI-generated content for specific educational purposes.

We believe that this workshop will provide you with valuable insights and practical strategies to enhance your teaching practices using AI. To ensure your participation, we have created a dedicated Telegram Group for the workshop. Kindly follow the link below to join the group and receive updates, resources, and engage in discussions related to the workshop:


We encourage you to actively participate in the group discussions, ask questions, and share your experiences and insights. This collaborative environment will foster a rich and dynamic learning community where we can collectively explore the potential of AI in education.
We look forward to your active participation in the workshop and the Telegram Group. Should you have any further inquiries or require any assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out. Let's embrace the power of AI in education and together create innovative and impactful learning experiences for our students.

Best regards,
Laila AI