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  • Cooperation Agreement with the German agency for International Cooperation GIZ ASWAN- EGYPT

Cooperation Agreement with the German agency for International Cooperation GIZ ASWAN- EGYPT

Partnership agreement between entrprenurship center and  the German agency for international cooperation's  program  Digital Transformation Programme to support Egyptian SMEs in their Digitalization Journey

To continue and scale operations of small and medium-sized enterprises, GIZ Egypt launched the round of the functional group training on the Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) modules for 10 Manufacturing SMEs.
Throughout the programme, the selected Egyptian manufacturing suppliers (SMEs) are supported with all aspects of their digital transformation, with a focus on ERP solutions. By the end of the programme, the selected SMEs will have digitalized their business processes and increased competitiveness and sustainability of their businesses.
Over the period of 6 months, the selected SMEs shall receive direct and tailored support to help them seize their growth potential through the roll out of a customised ERP solution that will come along with hands-on training and coaching sessions to ensure the actual use of the software solutions.
The Digital Transformation programme is part of GIZ’s extensive effort implemented through the Project “Private Sector Development and Innovation” (PSI) to support the Egyptian small and medium-sized enterprises to become suppliers in national and international supply chains