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  • Meet Egypt's Mentees for Innovative Business Ideas, Entrepreneurship Center Spin-offs

Meet Egypt's Mentees for Innovative Business Ideas, Entrepreneurship Center Spin-offs

Following INTECMED's call for innovative business ideas, 10 proposals were chosen to join INTECMED's Mentorship program, start their journey in developing their business ideas and compete for the three subgrants! Take a quick peek into their projects below.

  1. Akhlad Alabhar, Founder & CEO of EGROBOTS
  2. Dr Ahmed S. G. Khalil and Oscar Kayanja from E-JUST, creators of Point-of-Use (PES) Membrane Filter for Household Applications
  3. Heba Saeed and Mohamed Saad, co-founders of KNZGlobal
  4. Ibrahim Yousry and Victoria Timpe, founders of Littless
  5. Dr Mohammed Hawwas, founder of Vooh
  6. John Nabil and Farah Mohamed, founders of NextGenCommunities
  7. Mohamed Hamad, Amr Gamal and Salma Sami founders of Ozoris Technologies (OZTECH)
  8. Rowan Al Mahdy, a scientific content creator
  9. Ahmed Anwar, Founder of Super Fny
  10. Hazem Taha and Mahmoud Agamy are the creators for molasses citric acid production project