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  • AASTMT Techlog team participated in the final event of SEACAP 4 SDG

AASTMT Techlog team participated in the final event of SEACAP 4 SDG

AASTMT Techlog team participated in the final event of SEACAP 4 SDG project to introduce the aims and objectives of Techlog. SEACAP 4 SGD aims to maximize efficiency and effectiveness of energy refurbishment strategies adapted in Mediterranean countries. The event took place on Tuesday, 5 September 2023 at the AASTMT main campus, where academics and professionals in the field of energy management, sustainability and SDG and innovation attended the opening session. The round table discussions took place at the other half of the day, where projects SEACAP 4 SDG, MED-QUAD, TECHLOG and BEEP were presented. After an introductory speech from Prof. Dr. Yasser Gaber - Dean of Scientific Research and Innovation – AASTMT. Each project member briefed the attendees from other projects about the aims, objectives, achievements and future plans of the presented project. DR. Sandra Haddad, presenting TECHLOG, explained in her talk the aims and objectives of the project and the achievements done so far in terms of the launching of the Western and Eastern living labs, explaining how training through simulators will contribute in raising the capabilities of ports works in the mediteraean with regards to decreasing stress and fatigue increasing productivity and eco-driving.   

Discussions about the synergies between projects took place after the presentations. TECHLOG team highlighted the methods of collaborating with other projects regarding eco-driving initiatives, since this factor is considered to be the key for sustainable and energy-efficient use of motorized vehicles and one of the main aims of the project.