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  • Egypt Rally 2022 Competition Finale

Egypt Rally 2022 Competition Finale

Dr. Ashraf Sobhi, Minister of youth and sports, Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of higher education and scientific research, and Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar, president of the Arab Academy for science, technology and maritime transport, witnessed the closing ceremony to announce the awards of the Egypt entrepreneurship rally competition for 2022, which is organized by the Arab Academy for science, technology and maritime transport with the participation of university youth from various governorates of the Republic, coinciding with the celebrations of the Arab Youth Day and the International Day for youth skills, and coinciding with the celebration of the Golden Jubilee and the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Academy.

The events were attended by a number of university presidents, experts and specialists in the field of entrepreneurship, ambassador Elias Sheikh Omar Abu Bakr, ambassador of Somalia to Egypt and Permanent Representative to the league of Arab states, Dr. Abdullah Al-batesh, Assistant Minister of youth and sports for youth policies and development, and Manal Jamal, head of the central administration and youth training at the Ministry of youth and sports.
For his part, Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar conveyed the greetings of His Excellency the Secretary General of the league of Arab states, Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, and his sincere wishes for the success of this important meeting, pointing out that during the past year of leadership and excellence in the field of education, training and consulting, many educational, training and research achievements have been achieved in many fields of maritime transport, engineering, administrative and Medical Sciences in the Arab Republic of Egypt and the branches of the Academy in the Arab countries, within the framework of its vision to become the Creative Center for investment in human resources and innovative ideas in the Arab region.

He expressed his happiness at his presence among the students of 16 Egyptian universities, entrepreneurs and startups from various governorates and sectors " Al-Azhar University-Alexandria universities-Ain Shams, Tanta , GFAR
Sheikh-port said-Sadat Academy-Fayoum-Majesty", pointing out that the Academy is keen to continue this important forum to exchange experiences and visions to support the innovation and entrepreneurship environment in various universities and entrepreneurs and startups, extending his thanks and appreciation for the support of the ministers and their attendance, and the participation of university presidents, in addition to the Academy`s partners in the events "National Bank of Egypt".

Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar added that the Academy is one of the specialized organizations of the league of Arab states, which believes that supporting Arab and Egyptian youth is one of the priorities to enhance entrepreneurial knowledge and support ideas that contribute to sustainable economic development, stressing that supporting innovation and entrepreneurship and linking them to the Sustainable Development Goals is one of the strategic priorities of the Arab Academy through its various entities, especially since the Academy seeks to invest in human capital as the main engine of development in the Arab world and Egypt.

"It is more than 6 years ago that the Academy established the Entrepreneurship Center, which is the seed that we are harvesting now in cooperation with success Partners, where we witness many achievements and programs aimed at entrepreneurs and university youth in Egypt and the Arab world in the field of incubators specialized in multiple economic sectors and fields, such as supply chains and logistics tourism, agribusiness incubators, and finally the incubator for people with special needs, in addition to major competitions, the most important of which is the Egyptian rally, the Arab entrepreneurship rally, the Rally Acceleration Program, as well as the integrated platform for entrepreneurship and startups StartUpSchool", noting that young people are the future of our nation Government, public and private institutions and entities spare no effort to support them.