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  • Hybrid Agile Waterfall Model

Hybrid Agile Waterfall Model

The Software Engineering Department gladly announces hosting a Workshop titled: "Hybrid Agile Waterfall Model". An Industry Expert with 13+ years of experience in the Software Engineering field will conduct the workshop to expose attendees to the Hybrid Agile Waterfall Software Process Model, its advantages, and considerations during the Software Development Life Cycle. A real-world project will be presented and discussed during the session. The expert will also build awareness of the broad array of career opportunities in the Software Engineering field available in the local and global market and answer all your questions.

The workshop is scheduled for Sunday 22nd May 2022 from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm, at El Farsi Hall on the ground floor of the Architecture Building. Students from all semesters and departments are welcome to attend the session.

For attendance and certificate awarding please register through the link below: https://forms.gle/TaAXiKgCdXPBofHN7