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  • AASTMT President in the honoring ceremony of "Thinker - Politician - Former Director of Bibliotheca Alexandrina"

AASTMT President in the honoring ceremony of "Thinker - Politician - Former Director of Bibliotheca Alexandrina"

Within the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT) consolidations for the bonds of continuous cooperation with Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA), H.E Prof. Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghafar Ismail - AASTMT President participated in the honoring ceremony of H.E Prof. Dr. Mostafa el Feki - Thinker - Politician - Former Director of Bibliotheca Alexandrina. H.E Dr. Ahmed Zayed - Director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina invited H.E AASTMT President to attend the ceremony that was held on Sunday 25- 9- 2022, where H.E Prof. Dr. Mostafa el Feki received the BA Shield of Honor, as well as other honorary shields from Alexandria Governorate, Alexandria University, and AASTMT.
The ceremony was held in the presence of H.E Major General Mohamed Al-Sharif - Governor of Alexandria, H.E Prof. Dr. Abdel Aziz Konsowa - President of Alexandria University, H.E Dr. Essam Sharaf - Former Prime Minister of Egypt, H.E Dr. Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nour - Former Minister of Industry and Trade, and H.E Prof. Dr.Ali El-Din Helal - Professor of Political Science at Cairo University, in addition to a large number of officials, diplomats and public figures, intellectuals, thinkers and writers.