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  • "Palestinian Ministry of Transport and Communications Undersecretary” at AASTMT AbuKir Campus

"Palestinian Ministry of Transport and Communications Undersecretary” at AASTMT AbuKir Campus

Within the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT) consolidations for the bonds of cooperation which are always looking forward to new future prospects, as AASTMT saved no effort in supporting the educational process, AASTMT welcomed H.E Mr. Ammar Yassin - Undersecretary of Transport and Communications in the State of Palestine on Monday 21- 3- 2022, at AASTMT AbuKir Campus in Alexandria, as to meet Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abd Rabou - Dean of AASTMT Productivity and Quality Institute, and Capt. Emad Khafagy - Dean of AASTMT International Maritime Organization (IMO) Compound, in addition to AASTMT Officials and Academic staff, as they discussed the methods of joint cooperation, then His Excellency had a tour at AASTMT, and visited AASTMT Planetarium, AASTMT Integrated Simulator Complex (ISC), College of Pharmacy, College of Engineering and Technology, and AASTMT Maritime Safety Institute, as His Excellency praised AASTMT services, capabilities, technology and various facilities that support the educational process.