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  • AASTMT Department of Architecture and Environmental Design "Silver Jubilee"

AASTMT Department of Architecture and Environmental Design "Silver Jubilee"

Within the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT) celebration of the silver Jubilee of Department of Architecture and Environmental Design at AASTMT College of Engineering and Technology, H.E. Prof. Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghafar Ismail Farag – AASTMT President inaugurated the ceremony that was held for AASTMT Department of Architecture and Environmental Design "Silver Jubilee" at Alexandria Center for Creativity, in the presence of H.E. Prof. Dr. Yousry El-Gamal - Former Minister of Education, and Founder Dean of AASTMT College of Engineering and Technology, Prof. Dr. Amr Ali Hassan - Assistant President of AASTMT Engineering Affairs and Former Dean of AASTMT Alexandria College of Engineering and Technology, Prof. Dr. Akram Suleiman Al-Salamy - Dean of AASTMT Alexandria College of Engineering and Technology, Prof. Dr. Yasser Farghaly - Head of AASTMT Department of Architecture and Environmental Design, staff members in the Department of Architecture and Environmental Design, and a group of AASTMT External success partners, in addition to a number of the department`s graduates.
The celebration included a presentation of the department`s most important achievements over 25 years, a presentation of the projects in which AASTMT Department of Architecture and Environmental Design Staff members participated in community service, as well as the department`s achievements and graduation projects and their development over 25 years, then, a concert was held with the participation of a group of staff members and students.
It is worth to mention that AASTMT Department of Architecture and Environmental Design is the first architectural school in the Middle East that has the accreditation of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), as it is worth noting that the department has received a renewal of a set of local and international accreditations, as the unconditional accreditation of RIBA accreditation for five years 2019 - 2024, in addition to the new Ph.D. program.