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  • Third group of Djibouti students at AASTMT education and training programs

Third group of Djibouti students at AASTMT education and training programs

Within the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT) distinguished relations and permanent mutual cooperation with the African and Asian countries, especially in the field of education and training, as well as for keeping on H.E Prof. Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghafar Ismail Farag - AASTMT President ongoing directives to the effective presence in the African continent to support the African depth, AASTMT African and Asian Affairs Sector (AAFS) welcomed the third group of Djibouti students that represents the first group of Djibouti students with a full scholarship from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
It is worth to mention that the Japanese full scholarship represented by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) includes the study to obtain a bachelor’s degree in maritime transport technology and the certificates of competency (C.O.C), within the framework of cooperation that emphasizes the concept of integration between Africa and Asia in education and training through grants from the Asian funding destinations like JICA.