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  • The 2nd International Conference on Future Studies and Risk Management (ICFSRM 2021)

The 2nd International Conference on Future Studies and Risk Management (ICFSRM 2021)

The 2nd International Conference for Future Studies and Risk Management (ICFSRM 2021) will be organized as a partnership between the Academy for Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT), Egypt and the Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport (AASTMT). The conference is technically supervised by the Council for Future Studies and Risk Management (FSRMC), ASRT, Egypt, and supports one of the main objectives of the FSRMC which is spreading out the culture of future thinking in the Egyptian society, whether at the level of the individuals or academic, executive, governmental and non-governmental institutions.
ICFSRM 2021 will be organized as a live virtual conference, on 8-9th September 2021, where the main theme of ICFSRM 2021 conference is "Foreseeing the Global Futures with Emphasis on the Middle East and Africa in the Aftermath of "COVID-19 Pandemic" and that is because scientific research in this topic is extremely important since “Covid 19” pandemic shaped our global future and made future studies one of the main priorities all over the world.