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  • RoboCupJunior Egypt 2015

RoboCupJunior Egypt 2015

AASTMT Regional Informatics Center (RIC) is organizing Egypt`s Robot Cup competition Which is organized for the first time in the Arab Republic of Egypt, and that will be held on Friday and Saturday 3 - 4 April 2015, at AASTMT - AbuKir Campus – Alexandria, with the participation of 160 students.
The competition, which is a mixture of science, engineering, technology and education and that includes students from ages 10-20, is based on the idea of developing a Robot Soccer team capable of winning against the human team champion of the FIFA World Cup 2050.

It is worth mentioning that the process of designing a robot requires from students to learn and apply their knowledge in the fields of science, engineering, mathematics, computer programming and artificial intelligence.

AASTMT Regional Informatics Center would like to invite AASTMT staff members’ children and grandchildren (ages 10 - 20 years) to attend the competition, as a way to encourage those who have distinguished talents/skills to participate in similar future events as well as to keep their brains linked and updated about these interesting scientific competitions.