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  • Graduation of the 2nd Class of FIATA Diploma for Freight Forwarding

Graduation of the 2nd Class of FIATA Diploma for Freight Forwarding

Alexandria College of International Transport & Logistics will celebrate with the graduation of the second class of FIATA Diploma for Freight Forwarding on Wednesday,18th of July 2012, at 1:00 pm, at AASTMT Main Conference Hall – AbuKir Campus – Alexandria.
The graduation ceremony will be held in the presence of H.E Prof. Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghafar Ismail Farag - AASTMT President, H.E Mrs. Candace Putnam – U.S. Councillor General, H.E Mr. Ahmed ElWakil – Chairman of the Federation of Egyptian Chamber of Commerce, Admiral/ Mazen Nadim – Vice President of the FIATA, Eng. Medhat Elkady – Chairman of the Egyptian International Freight Forwarding Association and Dr. Khaled Hanafy – Dean of Alexandria College of International Transport & Logistics.
The FIATA Diploma for Freight Forwarding is the first international freight training diploma being offered to practitioners in full-time employment and undergraduate students specializing in transport and logistics in the Middle East. This diploma is offered in Egypt through a protocol between the Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport and Alexandria Chamber of Commerce through the Egyptian International Freight Forwarders Association (EIFFA).