Maritime Postgraduate Studies Institute  Alexandria

Marine Environment Conservation and Energy Efficiency Management


Program Aim

The purpose of this Master’s program is to support the global societies with highly qualified and trained personnel at middle and high management levels by providing an unified high level postgraduate studies in the field of marine energy management and environment conservation that satisfies the needs of shipping and offshore industries, whether at sea or land based. The expected graduates will be able to be experienced enough to take proper decision, analyze and act in an environmentally pro-active way when considering policies, future prospective, production and resource utilization. However, program is seeking to broaden the scope of knowledge and skills of participants, contributing to capacity building in the field of sustainable development and energy efficiency management.

Program Objectives:

This Program aims to provide students with advanced knowledge and skills in the following fields:

·         To provide scientific introduction to the marine ecosystem including the physical, chemical and biological processes that impact Earth’s ecosystems, climate and society.

·         To learn about the human domination of Earth''s ecosystems, sea transformation, biotic changes and alterations of the Biogeochemical Cycles.

·         Definition of emission, emission control and test, modeling of ship emissions according to area traffic, and using of (AIS) for detecting ships emissions. To examine emission abatement technologies and alternative fuels including LNG, biofuels and methanol.

·         Impact of Pollution (including noise, heat, and radiation) discharged into the atmosphere by residential, commercial, and industrial facilities.

Program Learning Outcomes

Students who successfully complete this program will be able to deeply understand and comprehensively comprehend all aspects on the following fields:

a)      To analyze renewable energy for electricity generation and marine renewable energy including ocean energy (wave, ocean and tidal currents and tidal range, OTEC and salinity gradient) along with their environmental and social impacts to examine solar and wind power applications onboard ships as well as in maritime onshore facilities.

b)      To study work-complexity barriers to energy efficiency management, marine energy solutions, marine environment monitoring and the social impact, including corporate social responsibility

c)      To discuss and analyze energy management systems including the cost, financing and economic evaluation to examine the evaluation of sustainable investment in ports and shipyards.

d)      To understand the impact of marine energy resources on marine health, safety, quality and the ecological implications of altering the hydrodynamics of the marine environment.

e)      To provide study skills training at the postgraduate level, including academic writing, referencing, discussion and oral presentation skills.

f)       To practice advanced education in research methods across the full range of sciences in maritime affairs to equip students with a thorough knowledge of research design, data collection, and the principal methods of analyzing quantitative and qualitative data.

g)      Manage Marine Pollution Crises and contingency plans,

h)      Understanding Statistical Data Analysis,

i)       Practice Research Methodology.


This program offers excellent unique opportunities to work in different career prospects like environment protection Authorities, Port authorities and oil and gas companies which operate offshore installations. Many of our graduates went on to work for offshore companies including different offshore petroleum companies in the Gulf of Suez. Some had good chances to work in ports such as Aqaba Port in Jordon, and Suez Canal Authority.


Most of our students work for Arabian ports and some had good chances to work for international regimes responsible for marine protection in the Mediterranean and Red Sea. On the other hand, some of our graduates are stakeholders of oil and gas companies in the Mediterranean and Red Sea areas.

Program Courses:

1. Core Courses



Credit Hours

MPI 772

Environment Risk Assessment and Management


MPI 773

Energy Efficiency Management in Maritime Industry


MPI 774

Marine Environment Sustainable Management


MPI 775

Maritime Business Administration


MPI 713

Marine Geophysics


MPI 759

Maritime Legal and Regulatory Framework


MPI 728

Research Methodology


MPI 738

  Data Analysis & Processing


2. Supplementary Courses



Credit Hours

MPI 735

Management of Pollution Crises and Contingency Plans


MPI 776

Creative Thinking and Problem Solving


MPI 751

Remote Sensing


MPI 734

Monitoring of Environment Pollution


MPI 757

Quality and Safety Management System



3. Master Thesis



Credit Hours

MPI 902R

Master Thesis