Responsible Consumption and Production

12.3.1 Waste tracking

As a form of the AASTMT's commitment to reducing the waste problem and reducing the proportion of waste that is sent to landfills. AASTMT is seeking to reduce the amount of waste generated from 2019 when it started to use recyclable materials at different levels and phases.

AASTMT measures the amount of waste generated in the university environment. Around 7mT of waste in 2021-2022. The waste is a combination of organic and inorganic waste. AASTMT is meant to recycle 6mT of the waste generated. The amount of waste sent to landfills is 1mT mainly hazardous medical waste from clinics and faculties.

Zero-Waste Campus by the Year 2049 Is Our Main Goal

Our objective is to achieve Zero-waste Campus status by the year 2049, while simultaneously decreasing our total waste output by 15% before 2030. To effectively tackle all aspects of campus waste, we must seek innovative solutions and establish new collaborations, encompassing everything.

Here are the details of a project funded by the AASTMT project for the Campus Smart recycling system to turn Food organic waste and recyclables into economic value products. And here is the demonstration Video for the Campus Smart recycling system to turn Food organic waste and recyclables into economic value products.