Responsible Consumption and Production

12.2.5 Policy for minimisation of plastic use

AASTMT is implementing a policy to establish a set of guidelines that will ensure the university follows the Egyptian environmental law by reducing the use of non-biodegradable plastic products on campus. This policy is aimed at promoting environmental sustainability and setting an example for the community.

Read our Consumption and Recycling Policy on AASTMT webpage

100 Million Trees

Within the framework of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport’s keenness to apply concepts of sustainability and based on the Academy’s strategic plan to conduct campaigns to raise public awareness of environmental protection and Egypt’s readiness to organize the “COP 27” climate summit.

The Department of Community Service and Environmental Affairs - the Institute of Productivity and Quality - organized a campaign to raise awareness among the people of the Nubaria region about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by holding awareness workshops and participating in the presidential initiative “100 million Trees” in one of the farms. Engineer Rania Rajeh gave a workshop on The United Nations #sustainable development goals and the impact of animal production in achieving them, and a discussion of replacing plastic in packaging with environmentally friendly materials.
The attendees toured the farm and participated in planting seedlings as a contribution from the Academy under the slogan of the Presidential Initiative 100 Million Trees.

Campaigns to raise public awareness of environmental protection and Egypt’s readiness to organize the “COP 27” climate summit. on Social media

“No Plastic Bags” An Environmental Initiative to Raise Awareness among Students of the Arab Academy of Sciences

Prof. Dr. Alaa Abdel Bari, Vice President of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, announced that the Academy’s President decided to launch the “Academy Free of Plastic Bags” initiative by the new academic year, indicating the Academy’s interest in adapting to climate change by rationalizing the use of energy and water and relying on renewable energy.​​​​​​​

Without plastic bags." Environmental Initiative to Educate Arab Academy for Science Students on El Watan newspaper page

“Blue Color Initiative”

Because children have the power to change our future, the AAST decided that we must start raising awareness among them. The AAST started an initiative to spread awareness among children on the hazards of plastic.

Awareness among children on the hazards of plastic 1 on Social media

Awareness among children on the hazards of plastic 2 on Social media​​​​​​​

The Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport's Organized "Always Green Academy" Campaign

From the headquarters of the Academy at the Smart Village, AASTIANS Go Green is an initiative that started in 2020 till present which exhibited a series of awareness and activities events with AAST and the community.  This initiative is part of the Academy's social responsibility and in line with the cooperation agreement signed with His Excellency Major General Mahmoud Shaarawy, the Minister of Local Development, and His Excellency Professor Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar Ismail, the President of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport, regarding the planning and implementation of the "Always Green Academy" campaign.

The Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport launched the "Arab Youth Green Venture" project at the Smart Village on Tuesday, March 15, 2022. The project was held under the patronage of Professor Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar Ismail Farag, the President of the Academy, and in the presence of Dr. Sherin Fikry, the Assistant Minister of Environment for Environmental Policies, representing Dr. Yasmine Fouad, the Egyptian Minister of Environment. This initiative was part of Egypt's hosting of the COP 27 Global Climate Conference in Sharm El-Sheikh.

The day included various activities, such as the opening of an exhibition showcasing environmental protection projects and activities by distinguished students and graduates of the Academy, which were discussed with the Assistant Minister of Environment and the Academy's President. Additionally, a sports marathon was launched with the slogan "AASTIANS Go Green," involving the participation of officials, employees, and students, creating an enthusiastic atmosphere. This marathon was organized by the Student Affairs Deanship in the Smart Village, as part of its ongoing support for students in educational, health, and recreational aspects.

This day was organized within the framework of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport's participation in the environmental initiative "Prepare for Green," launched by the Ministry of Environment under the patronage of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, as part of the National Sustainable Development Strategy "Egypt 2030."

The launch of the Green Project for Arab Youth at the Arab Academy in Smart Village on Dostor news page

The launch of the Green Project for Arab Youth at the Arab Academy in Smart Village on al Masry Al Youm news page

Smart Recycling System

AASTMT is obligated to reduce overall pollution in the environment and to participate in reducing overall emissions and waste. AASTMT is initiated a recycling project. This project is to build and implement a sustainable self-sufficient recycling system to turn AASTMT campus food organic wastes and recyclables into valuable products that have economical values, which can be used to reduce the campus's running expenses. The system targets only three types of campus waste: organic food remains, plastic tableware, and aluminum cans.

Video explaining the Recycling Project on AASTMT webpage