PLacement Test

AASTMT Cambridge
Placement Test

The Cambridge English Placement Test (CEPT) is an online adaptive test of general English used for candidate placement purposes. The test was developed by Cambridge English Language Assessment, which has a long history of language assessment & close links to the development of the CEFR. The test covers Reading, Use of English and Listening.A report of the results is provided from CEFR Level Pre-A1–C2.

Test Preparations

How is the CPT scored?

How long does it take?

When and where can I register?

Instructions for Students DEMO test

1. GO to
2.Choose "Play sound " to test your headphone
3. Press
4. Press "Start"
5. Repeat steps 3 & 4 if needed
What is an adaptive test?
As the candidate progresses through the test, each item is chosen on the basis of the candidate response to the previous item. As a result, the test becomes progressively easier or more difficult until a consistent level of ability is achieved and the candidate level of English can be identified.