Design and Construction of Coastal Structures

  • Construction & Building Engineering |


Ocean environment wind, tides, wave mechanics - Coastal processes surf-zone dynamics & coastal sediment transport - Wave & current forces on coastal structures - Port planning and technology - Functional design of coastal structures - Construction aspects of major coastal structures - breakwaters, seawalls, docking facilities, ocean outfalls and submarine pipelines - Field visits to local coastal protection projects.


Bachelor Degree in Construction and Building Engineering


  • The course objective at acquainting the student of construction engineering to the knowledge of fundamental and methods of designing coastal protection structures and shoreline facilities. Further the course introduces the students to the principles of coastal zone management and construction aspects of major structures.


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Course Content

content serial Description
1Week No.1: Introduction to coastal engineering environment and types of coastal structures.
2Week No.2: Wind, tide, currents and surface wave hydrodynamics elementary and finite amplitude waves (1,2).
3Week No.3: Wind, tide, currents and surface wave hydrodynamics elementary and finite amplitude waves (1,2). continue.
4Week No.4: Wind generated waves prediction and forecast.
5Week No.5: Modification of wave characteristics in shoaling waters and sea level changes.
6Week No.6: Coastal processes and sediment transport (erosion & accretion).
7Week No.7: Introduction to coastal zone management & sustainability of coastal projects.
8Week No.8: Wind and wave-current hydrodynamic forces (1,2).
9Week No.9: Wind and wave-current hydrodynamic forces (1,2). continue.
10Week No.10: Introduction to port & harbor planning and offshore terminals.
11Week No.11: Port and Harbor facilities breakwaters, piers and terminals etc.
12Week No.12: Design and construction of breakwaters, seawalls and groins (rigid/ flexible) (1,2).
13Week No.13: Design and construction of breakwaters, seawalls and groins (rigid/ flexible) (1,2). continue.
14Week No.14: Marine construction: methods, materials and equipment.
15Week No.15: Environmental effects on coastal zone management e.g.: Effects of sea level rise.
16Week No.16:Final Exam.

Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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