Testing of Materials

  • Construction & Building Engineering |


Codes and Specifications - Classification of Engineering Materials - The Architecture of Solids - Mechanical Properties of Engineering Materials - Testing materials machinery - Axial static tension: stress- strain relationship - Static compression: test - static bending - static torsion - mechanical properties and testing - Hardness of metals - Dislocations and Strengthening Mechanism in Metals ? Fracture - impact testing ? Fatigue - Creep.


Bachelor Degree in Construction and Building Engineering


  • This course objective is to provide an introduction to the students to architecture, performance and properties of different engineering materials and the relation between the structure of Engineering materials and their properties. The course also aims to enable the students to have a good understanding and hand-on experience with the usage and testing of engineering materials.


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Course Content

content serial Description
1Week No.1: Introduction.
2Week No.2: Atomic Bonding.
3Week No.3: The Architecture of Solids.
4Week No.4: The Architecture of Solids. continued.
5Week No.5: Testing Machines and Laboratory measuring devices.
6Week No.6: Mechanical Properties of Engineering Materials – Tension test.
7Week No.7: Mechanical Properties of Engineering Materials – Compression test.
8Week No.8: Mechanical Properties of Engineering Materials – Bending test.
9Week No.9: Mechanical Properties of Engineering Materials – Shear test.
10Week No.10: Mechanical Properties of Engineering Materials – Torsion test.
11Week No.11: Mechanical Properties of Engineering Materials – Hardness test and Impact.
12Week No.12: Dislocation and Strengthening Mechanisms.
13Week No.13: Fracture.
14Week No.14: Fatigue.
15Week No.15: Creep.
16Week No.16: Final Exam.

Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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