Integrated Water Resources Management

  • Construction & Building Engineering |


Definition of water sustainability and challenges to meet today`s associated environmental, climate, economic and water demands considerations in the region including coastal zones. Application of hydrology, hydraulics, principles and system analysis, in the selection of an integrated water resources system. Water resources management systems include types of water supply components for urban and agricultural usage, structures for flood and storm water management, drainage disposal or reuse of wastewater and agricultural drainage. Such systems would involve use of new practices as water conservation and new technologies as rainfall harvest. Discussion of technical papers and computer models related to case studies on sustainable development of water resources surface and groundwater, system selection, construction and operation, maintenance and other topics. Evaluating alternatives for sustainability of water resources systems.


M.Sc. in Water Resources Engineering


  • To introduce the students to the general water availability/demand problem, design methods for water resources development, optimization methods for the operation of water resource systems, the general practices of regional water resource management. The role of a proper assessment of uncertainty in water resources and a systems approach to the design and operational problems will be emphasized.


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  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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