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  • The president of the academy receives the student of the challenge, Youssef Sharif, the Egyptian champion of Table Tennis

The president of the academy receives the student of the challenge, Youssef Sharif, the Egyptian champion of Table Tennis

Prof. Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar Ismail Farag, president of the Academy, received the student "Youssef Sharif", a student at the Faculty of language and media in smart village in the second division, to congratulate him for winning the first place in Egypt and the third in the World Table Tennis Championship, which was held in France.He emphasizes the support of students with disabilities
The student Youssef presented a bouquet of roses to Professor Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar Ismail Faraj to thank him for his constant support and to provide a suitable environment for him and for all people of determination in the Academy for creativity, innovation and excellence.
For her part, the dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Hanan Youssef, stressed the college's constant interest in the participation of students of determination in all activities in accordance with the directives of His Excellency Prof. Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar, president of the academy, especially since the college has a successful experience in integrating students of determination in educational and cultural .