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  • Visit from the German School of the Alamein branch

Visit from the German School of the Alamein branch


Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting a group of students from the German School of the Alamein branch. The students were on a cultural exchange program, and we were excited to show them around our school and city. They arrived with smiles on their faces and a curiosity about our way of life. We started the day with a tour of our school, showcasing our classrooms, library, and sports facilities. The students were impressed by the modern amenities and the friendly atmosphere of our school.

After the tour, we organized a series of cultural activities for the students to participate in. We had a traditional dance performance, a cooking class where they learned how to make a local dish, and a language exchange session where they practiced speaking English with our students. It was heartwarming to see the students from different backgrounds coming together and learning from each other. The visit concluded with a farewell party, where we exchanged gifts and promises to stay in touch. It was a memorable day filled with laughter, learning, and making new friends. We hope to continue fostering these connections with schools from around the world in the future.