Deliver projects to record and preserve intangible cultural heritage such as local folklore, traditions, language, and knowledge. This can include the heritage of displaced communities.
AASTMT organized a cultural and entertainment celebration related to representation of political organizations and countries to publish traditions, language, and knowledge.
Student Affairs-Alexandria | AASTMT on AASTMT webpage
Record and Preserve Cultural Heritage on facebook page
Record and Preserve Cultural Heritage on facebook page
Video for on AAST Aswan Student Affairs Facebook page
The Faculty of Antiquities and Civilizational Heritage of the Arab Academy of Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport offers a degree in this specialty in Egypt by international quality standards.
The headquarters of the "Faculty of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage" was carefully selected as the city of Aswan - declared as the capital of Africa's Economy and Heritage 2017 - the main entrance to Africa in Egypt and to support its openness to the world to encourage and support tourism. The unique location of the campus is a point of excellence in terms of proximity to archaeological sites, museums, heritage and rich culture in Aswan City and makes it the perfect place to study antiquities and cultural heritage.
Record and Preserve Cultural Heritage on College of Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Facebook page
Record and Preserve Cultural Heritage on AASTMT webpage