Computer Science

Computer Science

Computer science is developed to be the systematic study of computing system and computation. The body of knowledge resulting from this discipline contains theories for understanding computer systems and methods design, algorithms and tools for testing, analysis, verification and knowledge representation.


Degrees Offered

Computer science Studies is an Inter-dispciplinary branch of social sciences and humanities devoted to study of computers and their activities, often considered a part of science and technology studies(sts).

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Market & Career

  • Software developer

    Software developers are tasked with creating and developing application, websites and other programs.

  • Network engineer

    Network engineer is designated in an organization whose responsibility includes maintaining computer infrastructure with emphasis on local area networks up to wide area networks.

  • System administrator

    System admin is responsible for the upkeep, configuration and reliable operation of computer systems such as servers.

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Career Path You Can Pursue with a Computer Science Degree

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