13.2.1 Low-carbon energy tracking

In the relentless pursuit of Sustainable Development Goal 13, the Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport (AASTMT) has placed significant emphasis on meticulously tracking and managing its carbon footprint. The evaluation and management of our carbon emissions are integral to our strategy for mitigating climate change impacts. Under Indicator 13.2.1, we have concentrated our efforts on comprehensively tracking low-carbon energy across our campuses, a commitment that is demonstrably reflected in our detailed carbon footprint analyses, the development of our Climate Action Plan, and our active participation in global sustainability initiatives like the Race to Zero campaign.

Campus Carbon Footprint 2018-2021:

Our endeavor to understand and manage our environmental impact led to the comprehensive assessment of the AASTMT campus carbon footprint for the period 2018-2021. This extensive analysis provides a clear picture of our emissions, helping us identify key areas for improvement and track our progress in reducing our carbon footprint. ​​​​​​​

The full report can be accessed in Campus Carbon Footprint 

AASTMT Climate Action Plan:

Aligned with our commitment to environmental stewardship, the AASTMT Climate Action Plan outlines our strategic approach to achieving a sustainable and resilient future. It details our initiatives for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing energy efficiency, and transitioning to renewable energy sources. This plan is a testament to our dedication to integrating sustainability into every facet of our campus operations.

The complete action plan is available AASTMT CLIMATE ACTION

Race to Zero Current Signatories:

Demonstrating our global commitment to sustainability, AASTMT has proudly joined the Race to Zero campaign, aligning with other leading institutions worldwide in the collective effort to achieve net-zero carbon emissions. Our participation underlines our role not only as a local leader in environmental initiatives but also as an active player on the international stage, contributing to global climate action goals.

More information about our involvement and commitments as part of this campaign can be found in Race to Zero Current Signatories

Each of these components reflects AASTMT's holistic approach to environmental responsibility and our ongoing efforts to reduce our carbon footprint. Through these initiatives, we aim not only to contribute significantly to global efforts in combating climate change but also to foster a culture of sustainability within our community and beyond.