1.3.5 Low or lower-income countries student support

In accordance with the regulations in place to help financially distressed students, the Academy allocates full or partial support according to the case study or through donors 
for each semester, provided that supporting documents are submitted and each case is studied individually.

Financial Rates for low or lower-income countries student support

  • Some Arab students are supported, as their tuition fees are calculated same as the Egyptians.
  • There are scholarships from the academy for some Arab students, the percentage of which varies from 30% to 70%.
  • The Academy grants some Arab graduates a discount ranging from 25% to 30% for tuition fees for each semester. The cases are presented to the financial support committees and the discount rates are determined and then approved by
  • His Excellency the President of the Academy to activate the discount for students.
  • There are full scholarships from the Academy for students in developing countries, whether at the bachelor’s level in colleges or in postgraduate programs, provided that the student maintains his academic excellence.

Cooperation Agreement with the Eastern Triangle for Consulting and Development Company:

The Agreement aims to enroll a number of students from the State of Yemen to study in the AASTMT. In order to encourage interest, the academy receive a number of 
students from The State of Yemen) to continue studying at different colleges at the academy, each according to his specialization. 
The academy provides housing and care for the students, at the expense of the company.

Scholarships for low-income countries during the fiscal year 2021​​​​​​​

The number of Yemeni students receiving Arab Youth Scholarships during the fiscal year 2021 was 35 receiving L.E 2,181,960.