Engineers Specializing in architecture and environmental design deal with the built environment in a number of ways. They synthesize human needs, environmental possibilities, building technology, and aesthetic values into the design. The emphasis of this program is on preparing students to become practicing architects. Thus the major focus of the curriculum is the design studio in which students deal with projects of increasing complexity. As these designs must satisfy both aesthetics and technical requirements. Studio work is complemented by courses in the history and theory of architecture, human sciences, building technology, environmental controls, and structures, with computers as accessible tools to all students.
Before becoming an architect important that architect students obtain hands-on experience while they are in school to help launch their architect career . this process begins with internships
drawing upon a wealth of knowledge and expertise of architecture, industrial deign, batany, horticulutre, fine arts,enviromental psychology, geography,ecology, and even soil sciences.
with a penchant for creating interior spaces that seamlessly blend form with functionality , an interior designer's duties include a broad range of specialized skills.
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