Life Below Water

14.5.4 Collaboration for shared aquatic ecosystems

Marine Litter and Sustainable Waste Management in North African Coastal Tourism Regions

The overall project goal is to reduce the proportion of waste from coastal tourism in North African states (Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia), and to recycle and reuse unavoidable waste in order to sustainably reduce the overall amount of marine and beach littering. Major activities are the development and implementation of a coastal monitoring program the definition of a pollution baseline as well as marine litter pollution assessments the evaluation of solid waste management and current mitigation measures the analysis, implementation, and monitoring of legal, organizational, financial, and technical solutions and measures with local, regional and national actors and the provision of capacity building and awareness raising in the regions.

Marine litter and sustanable waste management in North-African coastal tourism regions on AASTMT webpage

The College Regularly Represents Egypt In The Working Groups on Stock Assessment (WGSA) of Demersal Species (WGSAD) and Small-Pelagic Species (WGSASP) That Are Organized By The General Fisheries Commission for The Mediterranean (GFCM), Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations

The recommendations of the WGSAs are being submitted to the Scientific Advisory Committee on Fisheries (SAC), which collects and assesses information on catches, fishing efforts, fleet capacity, and other data relevant to the conservation and management of fisheries.

Then, the SAC adopts the assessment of the status and trends of relevant populations of living marine resources, ecosystems, and fisheries-related human components, using the appropriate indicators and in relation to agreed biological and/or management reference points. In addition, a provision of independent advice made by the SAC to facilitate the adoption of recommendations concerning the sustainable management of fisheries and ecosystems at the regional and sub-regional levels, including relevant biological, environmental, social, and economic aspects, the ecosystem approach to fisheries, the impact of IUU fishing and the assessment of biological and ecological implications under different management scenarios.