تكريم الطالب / دافيد بهاء سمير الطالب بكلية الأدارة والتكنولوجيا  ومسئول اللجنة العلمية بمجلس الطلاب - الدقى لحصوله على المركز الأول ببطولة الشطرنج من السيد الدكتور  / محمد أسعد النيدانى - مدير فرع الدقي  والسيدة الدكتورة / إيناس برسوم - عميد شئون الطلاب بالدقي
    AASTMT Memorandum Of Understanding with the Children`s Cancer Hospital 57357
Within AASTMT active Social Responsibility role, H.E Prof. Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghafar Ismail Farag – AASTMT President paid a visit to the Children’s Cancer Hospital 57357 in Cairo, on Monday 21- 12- 2015, where he met Prof. Dr. Sharif Abul-Naga – the hospital`s General Manager for Learning and Development and signed a memorandum of understanding between AASTMT and the hospital.
The event related photos
    AASTMT Wins Second Prize at the competition of Minesweepers: towards a Landmine-free Egypt
AASTMT Cairo College of Engineering & Technology students participated and won second Prize in the competition: "Minesweepers: Towards a Landmine-Free Egypt", that was held during 16 - 18 September 2012. This national robotic competition aimed at fostering robotics research and its applications in the area of humanitarian demining in Egypt. “Minesweepers” is the first national robotic competition with high social impact due to tackling a serious problem of humanitarian demining in Egypt. Minesweepers aims at raising public awareness about the role of Science and Technology in solving this problem motivating researchers, professors, engineers and students working in this pertinent area of national importance. In Minesweepers each participating team constructs a teleported or an autonomous robot that should be able to search for underground and aboveground anti-personnel mines and produce a map of the detected mines. The robot has to be able to navigate through rough terrain that mimics a real minefield. Minesweepers is organized by IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) Egypt chapter and sponsored and hosted by the German University in Cairo (GUC). Minesweepers is also supported by the Executive Secretariat for the Demining and Development of the North West Coast and the Egyptian Ministry of International Cooperation. Minesweepers: Towards a Landmine-Free Egypt is held in conjunction with the Egyptian Engineering Day 2012. 97 Teams from different Egyptian and non-Egyptian universities, institutes and research centers participated in Minesweepers.
Competition winners: