Microprocessors Systems

  • Computer Engineering |


Is to have an in depth knowledge of the architecture and programming of 8-bit and 16-bit Intel Microprocessors and to study how to interface various peripheral devices with them.


Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering


  • Is to have an in depth knowledge of the architecture and programming of 8-bit and 16-bit Intel Microprocessors and to study how to interface various peripheral devices with them.


Data will be available soon!

Course Content

content serial Description
1Introduction to Computing
2Brief History of The 80x86 Family, Pipelining, Introduction to Assembly Programming, and Introduction to Program Segments, Logical address, and Physical address
3Stack and stack operations, 80x86 Addressing Modes
4Assembly Language Programming
5Arithmetic Instructions and Programs
6Logic Instructions and Programs
77th week exam
88088 Microprocessor
98284 and 8288 Supporting Chips
108-bit Section of ISA Bus
11Semi- Conductor Memory Fundamentals
12Memory Address Decoding, IBMPC Memory Map
1312th week Exam
148088 Input/Output Instructions, Programming and Interfacing the 8255
15Project Presentation + Revision

Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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