Object-Oriented Programming

  • Computer Engineering |


Object-Oriented Modeling and development: classes ? objects ? inheritance ? GUI interfaces ? applets ? multithreading ? networking.


Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering


  • This course introduces JAVA to students who are already familiar with Object-Oriented Programming.. Advanced features of JAVA will be introduced through applications. Among those advanced features: multithreaded programming, building user interfaces using swing, database connectivity using JDBC, and distributed computing using sockets, RMI, and CORBA.rnThe course also covers the basics of java web programming.


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Course Content

content serial Description
1Week Number 1 : Introduction to JAVA language-Rules for JAVA source file-package-import, JAVA procedural programming.
2Week Number 2 : Object-Class-Constructor-Primitive data casting-Array.
3Week Number 3 : this- instance & static variables-methods.
4Week Number 4 : Pass by value-pass by reference
5Week Number 5 : Abstraction- Encapsulation-Access Modifiers.
6Week Number 6 : Object-Oriented Relationships-association-aggregation-composition and Inheritance.
7Week Number 7 : 7th Week Exam.
8Week Number 8 : Polymorphism: overloading-polymorphism : overriding-super keyword.
9Week Number 9 : Inheritance-Interface, :interface.
10Week Number 10 : Polymorphism (dynamic method dispatch).
11Week Number 11 : Object Casting.
12Week Number 12 : 12th Week Exam.
13Week Number 13 : String- String Buffer -Wrapper.
14Week Number 14 : GUI, GUI Events.
15Week Number 15 : Exceptions, Threads.
16Week Number 16 : Presentation of projects and Final Exam.

Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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