Life on Land

15.3.1 Sustainable use, conservation and restoration of land (policy)


Their main goal of optimizing resource use and maintaining green spaces serves as a road map for developing resilient green infrastructure. Their project uses IoT solutions to provide intelligent waste management for everyone.

EC-AASTMT Spin-Offs 2021-2022 on AASTMT web page

Entrepreneurship Center on AASTMT web page

Al Amal

An agricultural consulting office, diagnosing the diseased condition of the plant, giving the appropriate pesticide or fertilizer, and following up the crop from the beginning of planting until harvest to increase productivity and make maximum use of the largest amount of the crop and sell seeds.

EC-AASTMT Spin-Offs 2021-2022 on AASTMT web page

Entrepreneurship Center on AASTMT web page

Educational Programs

AASTMT provides educational programs to enhance society knowledge and teach students that sustainable ecosystems and land conservation are essential for human health and safety.

AASTMT Environmental Policy on AASTMT web page