Life on Land

15.2.3 Maintain and extend current ecosystems' biodiversity

AASTMT’s leadership have a profound responsibility on how to use the campus as an educational opportunity to promote sustainability awareness. Ending biodiversity loss is a worldwide concern, not a sideshow. This is explicitly stated in the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were established in 2015. SDG 15 emphasizes biodiversity in particular, with the goal of "protecting, restoring, and promoting sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably managing forests, combating desertification, and halting and reversing land degradation and biodiversity loss." AASTMT has begun to respond to these SDGs by implementing them into their business models and initiatives.

AASTMT implement sustainable practices that support land ecosystems, conserve biodiversity, and ensure the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, as outlined in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 15. AASTMT also covers educational initiatives, policy implementation, collaboration, waste management, and conservation efforts within the AASTMT campuses and its immediate environment.

AASTMT is seeking to reduce the food waste as much as they can. As the university committed to deliver healthy food for all parties in the university includes food in on Campus, Residences, and employees whether vegetarian or others. AASTMT makes sure that the food is available at each level to guarantee healthy food for ASTMT’s stockholders.

AASTMT aim to build generations of young entrepreneurs & change agents who reshape the social & economic status of the Arab region & Africa by enabling an environment of innovation, growth, support & mentorship for private businesses.

Human aspirations, on the other hand, must pass the test of sustainability. New companies directly created from the research and program at EC-AASTMT.

Are defined as register companies set up to exploit intellectual property that has originated from EC-AASTMT.

Al Amal

An agricultural consulting office, diagnosing the diseased condition of the plant, giving the appropriate pesticide or fertilizer, and following up the crop from the beginning of planting until harvest to increase productivity and make maximum use of the largest amount of the crop and sell seeds governorate EC-AASTMT Spin-Offs 2021-2022on the AASTMT web page.


The tree intelligence platform! This innovative idea focuses on providing farm owners with an affordable service for farm diagnostics using robotics and artificial intelligence, innovating traditional agriculture systems, and lowering farmers' resource consumption costs ERGOBOTS on the AASTMT web page

Uni-Green Project

Promoting the role of youth as active change-makers in addressing climate change in Egypt through education” Uni-Green is a 36-month project with a budget of approx. 13 million EGP and is funded by the European Union. Uni-Green seeks to reinforce the role of youth as key actors in raising awareness, advocating, and directly addressing local climate change challenges in Egypt  Uni-Green Project on the AASTMT news page

KNZ Global

Their main goal of optimizing resource use and maintaining green spaces serves as a road map for developing resilient green infrastructure. Their project uses IoT solutions to provide intelligent waste management for everyone Entrepreneurship Center  on the AASTMT web page

Green Horizon: AASTMT Action Plan for SDG 15 - Academic Year 2021/2022

This action plan for 2021/2022 focuses on sustainable practices, policy implementation, waste management and conservation efforts on AASTMT campuses and surrounding communities, ensuring long-term ecosystem use. Schedule and host a series of educational events (webinars, workshops, lectures) on sustainable land use and conservation practices.

3.1. Initiate a biodiversity survey to identify and document campus flora and fauna.

3.2. start programs like 'Adopt a Species' to engage the campus community in conservation efforts.​​​​​​​

AASTMT’s Green Horizon Action Plan on the AASTMT web page