Paper Submission
Papers should clearly demonstrate the research or practical contribution, the relevance to the field, and the relation to prior work. Submitted papers will be evaluated according to their novelty, significance, originality, technical quality, and exposition. All submitted papers will be blind peer reviewed by experts refree to the professional and scientific standards. Prospective authors are invited to submit original and previously unpublished paper in DOC or PDF format via conference submission system. The camera ready paper should be in regular version (4 to max 6 pages). All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceeding. All accepted papers will be indexed by Scopus
Important Deadlines
Submission of Poster and Regular Papers:15th June 2021 15th July 2021
Notification of Acceptance: 15th August 2021
Submission Camera-ready Paper: 1st September 2021
Conference Dates: 12th-14th October 2021
Guideline for Authors
The manuscript submitted to ICaTAS 2021 should adhere to the template below. Please download the Template from here:
Click Here for ICaTAS 2021 Template
For more author guidelines on preparing your Manuscript, you can access the following Link
- Papers should state clearly and concisely the problem, methodology used, proposed model, experimental results and conclusions.
- An EasyChair account must be created before submission. A Paper Number will be generated automatically for each paper once it is submitted successfully. Please keep these numbers for checking the status of the papers and future correspondence.
- EasyChairICaTAS'2021 System Submission
- If you have problems about the paper submission, please email the Conference Secretariat at, with "ICaTAS'2021 Paper Submission" in the subject line. Also include the paper number, if there is any.