Oil Spill Response (IMO Level I)

  • Environment Protection and Crisis Management Center


  • Introduction to oil spills.
  • Enviromnental sensitivity and impacts.
  • Oil types, characteristics and their behavior in the marine environment.
  • Safety at the spill site.
  • The medical aspects.
  • Skimmers (Characteristics and uses).
  • Principles of using booms (Design, ion, uses, deployment and limitations).
  • Reponse organization and control strategies.
  • Use of absorbing materials
  • Chemical dispersants (Characteristics and applications).
  • Shorelines types and clean-up..
  • Management of oily wastes (Transportation, storage and disposal).
  • Oil sampling.
  • Maintenance of oil pollution combating equipment.


  • Oil spill trajectory model.
  • Maintenance of oil pollution combating equipment.
  • Practical sessions for deployment of various types of oil spill combating equipment.
  • Shoreline survey and clean-up.


Environment Protection and Crisis Management


  • Data will be available soon!

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