Dean’s Word

Our Graduate School of Business (GSB) is well positioned to generate the kind of leaders that Egypt, Arab region and the constantly changing world needs, leaders whose innovative thinking turns challenges into opportunities.

Our programs are of the most competitive programs in the area that prepares today’s managers to deal with tomorrow’s challenges.

The secret behind our strength is the interaction and diversity of our students and faculty. Our graduates this year represent 9 different nationalities. The cooperation and synergy between students of particularly high quality, researchers, and lecturers from the business world provide the appropriate ground for the excellence that is our primary goal.

The Graduate School of Business goes beyond degree. In today’s world having a degree just for the sake of having a degree no longer makes sense. Graduate School of Business sees education as an investment which must produce a return. At GSB we always do our best to shape our programs to be geared to predict the trends of the job market, as reflected by our electives and tracks. Our programs are under rigorous revision and constant updating to not just coop the complex and rapid changes of the current business community, but to lead the market. We promise to keep on working hard to make you proud of your GSB being a symbol for quality business education and applied management sciences for executives.

Our GSB is committed to endow its students with the managerial tools that they will need in their future endeavors, to teach the latest and most innovative managerial methodologies, theories, techniques, and approaches to provide the knowledge they will need to serve as leaders in the business and public sectors.

Today is your day to collect your reward for all those long hours and late nights of studying. It took an amazing amount of determination for you to reach this moment where you can wear on your caps and gowns, and set your dreams for your future career.

Finally, graduation should never mean goodbye. It’s your Graduate School of Business today and always.

Warmest Congratulations for all of you.

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