AASMT Training Courses


  • This course aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of mobile app development, enabling them to proficiently develop cross-platform applications. By focusing on advanced state management and dynamic UI design with animations, participants will gain practical experience through real-world projects. The course also prioritizes the cultivation of best practices, code optimization skills, and a collaborative learning environment, ensuring participants are well-prepared for a successful career in the rapidly evolving field of mobile app development


Upon completion of this course, participants will possess a solid foundation in Flutter, capable of building cross -platform applications with efficiency. They will master advanced state management and dynamic UI design, translating theoretical knowledge into practical skills through real -world projects. Participants will adopt industry best practices, optimizing code for performance, and cultivate problem -solving abilities. Ultimately, they will be well -prepared for a career in mobile app development, staying abreast of the latest Flutter trends and contributing effectively to collaborative development environments.

Course Contents

Throughout the course, participants will cover a comprehensive curriculum, starting with an introduction to Flutter and Dart on Day 1, followed by fundamental Flutter concepts on Day 2. Days 3 and 4 will explore navigation and advanced state management, while Day 5 focuses on building dynamic UI with animations. Cross-platform development is covered on Day 6, and Days 7 and 8 emphasize best practices, code optimization, and conclude with a real-world project and insights into careers in mobile app development.


Data will be available soon!